Our accelerated learning program is developed over 10+ years focus to
Foster self directed learning creavitity & immagination, personal, emotional and social development, skills in the creative arts & gross and fine motor skills in each child.

Our Emergent Curriculum
Takes the best practice from renowned child psychologist guided by teachers that develops their imagination through creative play and achieve developmental milestone.
- Montessori Teaching Methods
- Reggio-Amilia Approach
- Howard Gardner Multiple Intelligent
- Design Thinking
- 9 Future Skills
- 15 Habits of Mind
In addition we use latest technology engaging environment and well defined learning spaces.
Our Learning Spaces

Our Methodology
A six-step process to ensure children develop a conceptual understanding of various topics & how to apply these concepts across subjects in their later school years. A pedagogy that develops a growth mindset. Its unique technique & strategies help in the holistic development of each mind.